Shared Bits 5-Year Anniversary
Highlights of my fifth year of blogging; Sept 2022 - Sept 2023
Stories to Ponder When You Are Feeling Sorry for Yourself
I decided to begin collecting stories that may cause you to consider that whatever you are going through may not be so bad after all.
Not Again! – Kidney Stone #3
In less than 4 years, I had the displeasure of experiencing my third kidney stone. In this post I describe my experience and new lifestyle changes I've incorporated to hopefully be done with this nephrologic horror.
Maytag MVWC565FW1 Washing Machine – Dead After Only 3 Years
After only 3 years, our Maytag MVWC565FW1 washing machine died. Open to read the details.
Shared Bits 4-Year Anniversary
Highlights of my fourth year of blogging; Sept 2021 - Sept 2022
My First Attempt at Making Ghee – SCORE!
If you use ghee, you can make your own very easily and much cheaper than what you'll pay for it in the store. Come on in and learn the details.